Moores/de Boor family pictures :: Kids

(yes, he does get up fairly early) (yes, he is a JEM)
He is 27 years and 267 days old He is 23 years and 306 days old She is 21 years and 363 days old
This page exists to make it easier for far-flung family and friends to view the title character's cherubic visage. Updates will be made as new images become available. Last updated .

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New Photos

I'm using new software to help me publish these pages, and as a result I have changed the format slightly. Here are links to the most recent pictures.

August 2010 - October 2010

September 2008 - December 2008

Violin: a collection of pictures of Jasper and Malva playing violin

September 2007 - December 2007

May 2007 - August 2007

December 2006 - April 2007

August 2006 - November 2006

May 2006 - July 2006

April 2006

June 2005 - October 2005

October 2004 - June 2005

June 2005 - October 2005

October 2004 - June 2005

June 2005 - October 2005

October 2004 - June 2005

Older Photos
Greatest Hits
Older Photos
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